I am Alexis, World Traveler and I would love for you to join me on my many travels to different countries. Together we will learn about the children and families of these lands. We will learn it is ok to be different, that we are all God's Children.

Alexis's mother and I feel it is important to teach Alexis about diversity and cultural awareness. We want Alexis to know that people of different cultures may be different from us but that it is ok to be different. We want her to know that if we understand their culture that the differences are not really that great. From the time Alexis was born we have been talking to her about world events, and racial tolerance. She has never heard a racial slur in her six years of life. The foundations for racial attitudes are laid as infants and toddlers and after the age of nine their racial attitudes tend to stay the same. That is why it is so important that we never let our children hear or see any form of racial intolerance. When you live in rural Indiana it makes it more challenging to teach about diversity and different cultures. We came up with the idea to have her study about a different country each month and we will do fun activities such as eating at restaurants, playing games, visiting museums, dressing , and listening to music depicting the country we are studying. Follow Alexis on her many travels around the world and feel free to join her as she learns about the many different cultures.


Friday, September 23, 2011

One Green Apple by Eve Bunting

Today we read One Green Apple by Eve Bunting. Below you will find Alexis's review of the story.

This book is very good. It is about a little girl from another place. She did not speak English at all. It is her second day at her new school and all the other kids speak English. She feels sad and alone. Some kids are nice to her and other kids make mean faces at her. The class goes to an apple orchard. They pick one apple. She picks a green apple and the other kids pick red apples. When they were making apple cider the kids told her not to put the green apple in the machine. She dropped the green apple in anyway. The cider was good and she could taste her green apple. After that she said the word apple in English and then she felt happy.

by Alexis

Mommy: Notice that Farah picked a green apple when everyone else picked red apples. How does this relate to the story?

Alexis: Maybe because all apples are the same no matter what color they are. The children are like the red apples and Farah is like the green apple and they still go good together.

Mommy: Do you recognize the author Eve Bunting? She wrote the book Ducky from your school reader.

Alexis: So, she writes about the same things. About people being alone or not fitting in. So this book relates to Ducky!


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