I am Alexis, World Traveler and I would love for you to join me on my many travels to different countries. Together we will learn about the children and families of these lands. We will learn it is ok to be different, that we are all God's Children.

Alexis's mother and I feel it is important to teach Alexis about diversity and cultural awareness. We want Alexis to know that people of different cultures may be different from us but that it is ok to be different. We want her to know that if we understand their culture that the differences are not really that great. From the time Alexis was born we have been talking to her about world events, and racial tolerance. She has never heard a racial slur in her six years of life. The foundations for racial attitudes are laid as infants and toddlers and after the age of nine their racial attitudes tend to stay the same. That is why it is so important that we never let our children hear or see any form of racial intolerance. When you live in rural Indiana it makes it more challenging to teach about diversity and different cultures. We came up with the idea to have her study about a different country each month and we will do fun activities such as eating at restaurants, playing games, visiting museums, dressing , and listening to music depicting the country we are studying. Follow Alexis on her many travels around the world and feel free to join her as she learns about the many different cultures.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Multicultural Books

Before Alexis starts learning about individual countries we are going to read multicultural books that will allow Alexis to understand that the world is getting smaller and we must learn to accept and get along with all cultures, races, and religions in order to become productive citizens of the world.

The Books we will be reading the next two weeks:

All Kinds of Children - Norma Simon
All the Colors of the Earth - Sheila Hamanaka
Black is Brown is Tan - Arnold Adoff
This Is The Way We Eat Our Lunch: A Book About Children Around The World -Edith Baer
The Patchwork Quilt - Valerie Flournoy
A Rainbow of Friends - P.K. Halliman

When we have finished these books we will read:

My Librarian is a Camel - Margriet Ruurs
The Colors of the Rainbow - Jennifer Moore-Mallinos

It took me several hours to put this list together and find which library had them. These books were recommended on different educational websites and I also looked them up on Amazon so I could read the reviews. It is important to her mother and I that we not pick books that might portray the wrong message. I know this looks like a long list for a 6 year old but I don't think these particular books will overwhelm her. Most are short books with lots of illustrations. If a book does not hold her interest we will go on to another. The last thing we want is for her to become bored with these studies.
Another cool thing I found were Multicultural Crayons. Maybe everyone else already knew about them but I was ecstatic when I came across them on Amazon. I will be ordering some!



Amanda said...

Multicultural crayons, that is too cool!

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